Top Ten

While posting at The Essence of Amber Forum, I came up with the idea to compose a list of "Top Ten Signs That You Are An Amberholic."

10. You show your support for "Chance" by sending money in and/or by shamelessly promoting it whenever you can or remember to.

9. You rewatch episodes of Buffy just to see Amber and Willow/Tara scenes.

8. You hope and/or pray that Amber is in the next new episode of Buffy.

7. You rent and/or buy movies that Amber is in, even if she's only in them for a few minutes.

6. You have printed an Amberholics button and have worn it proudly.

5. You spend countless hours posting at The Essence of Amber Board, or at least thinking about posting there.

4. You have become friends with other Amberholics and talk to them through e-mail, AIM (or whatever other chat program you use), and Amberess chats.

3. Other Amberholics know you well enough to make fun of you.

2. You would jump at the chance to support Amber any time.

1. You admire Amber for both her inner and outer beauty.

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